Dentsu Group Inc. Strengthens Sustainability Management by Establishing Group Sustainability Committee

―Maximizing Value Created under the Leadership of Members with Diverse Perspectives―

Dentsu Group Inc. (Tokyo: 4324; ISIN: JP3551520004; President & CEO: Hiroshi Igarashi; Head Office: Tokyo; Capital: 74,609.81 million yen; hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) announced today the establishment of the Group Sustainability Committee as a meeting body to promote decision-making by the Group Management Board, the highest executive body, with the aim of strengthening sustainability management. The committee started full operation in April 2023.

The establishment of the Group Sustainability Committee is part of the Company’s initiatives accompanying the transition to One dentsu from FY2023. The most important characteristic of the committee is the diversity of its members, which will play a vital role in enabling the Company to implement sustainability management from a variety of perspectives. Members include the Chief Sustainability Officers for Japan and International markets and representatives from Investor Relations, HR, Communications, Corporate Culture, as well as the Client & Solutions Unit. The committee will discuss various sustainability-related challenges and take concrete action.

Chaired by the Company’s Chief Governance Officer, the committee is responsible for formulating group-wide strategies in the E (Environment) and S (Social) domains and promoting ESG information disclosure. The committee is currently updating materiality and examining value creation models to be announced internally and externally in the Company’s upcoming Integrated Report. The committee members are as follows.

Members of the Group Sustainability Committee for FY2023

Name Title
Arinobu Soga Chairperson
Director, Representative Executive Officer, Executive Vice President & Chief Governance Officer, Dentsu Group Inc.
Yuko Kitakaze Chief Sustainability Officer, dentsu Japan
Anna Lungley Chief Sustainability Officer, dentsu International Markets
Yoshiki Ishihara Chief of Staff, Dentsu Group Inc.
Jeff Greenspoon President, Global Solutions
Executive Director, Clients & Solutions Unit, Dentsu Group Inc.
Kate Stewart Executive Director, Investor Relations Office, Dentsu Group Inc.
Miho Tanimoto Chief HR Officer, Dentsu Group Inc.
Hitoshi Hamaguchi Executive Director, Client & Solutions Unit, Dentsu Group Inc.
Keiichi Higuchi Executive Officer, Dentsu Inc. / dentsu Japan
Jeremy Miller Chief Communications Officer, Dentsu Group Inc.
Jean Lin Chief Culture Officer, Dentsu Group Inc.
Fiona Lloyd Global Client & Brand President, Carat

Under the lead of the Group Sustainability Committee, the Company will maximize corporate value for all of dentsu's stakeholders, including its shareholders, clients, partners, and employees, and provide innovative value to society as a whole by promoting each of the initiatives in the Medium-term Management Plan.

(Reference) Corporate governance structure



Media Inquiries:
Jumpei Kojima
Deputy Chief Communications Officer
Dentsu Group Inc.


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