Corporate Strategy & Operating Risks

Dentsu Group Medium-term Direction

For details, please refer to Dentsu Group Inc. FY2021 Consolidated Financial Results, which was announced on February 14, 2022.

Operating Risks

The operating results, share price and financial position of the Dentsu Group are subject to various risks, as described below. Any forward-looking statements in the following discussion are based on management's assumptions and beliefs in light of information available as of March 28, 2023.

  1. Risks associated with cyclical changes in the global economy and social changes for the post-pandemic era
  2. Risks associated with the development of new business from the medium- to long-term perspective
  3. Risks related to securing human resources
  4. Risk related to the business transformation
  5. Risks associated with the competitive environment and structural changes
  6. Impairment risk of goodwill and intangible assets
  7. Risks related to information security and cyber security
  8. Sustainability-related risks
  9. Risks related to laws and regulations, litigation, etc.
  10. Risks related to disasters and accidents, and geopolitical risks


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