Quarterly Consolidated Results

(JPY mn)
Turnover (*1) 1,516,171 1,438,687
Revenue 345,205 331,528
Net revenue 284,461 281,321
Organic growth +0.3% (6.0%)
Japan 109,868 106,955
Organic growth +2.8% +3.0%
Americas 81,324 82,724
Organic growth (3.1%) (6.6%)
EMEA 64,938 57,971
Organic growth +6.9% (17.2%)
APAC 26,506 29,400
Organic growth (11.6%) (9.1%)
Selling, general and administrative expenses 257,774 254,324
Other income (expenses) -23,517 -95
Operating profit 3,169 26,900
Share of results of associates 630 403
Impairment loss of associates -329 -
Gain on sales of shares of associates -0 -5
Revaluation gain on step acquisition - 142
Profit before interest and tax 3,470 27,442
Finance income (costs) -6,281 -5,377
Profit before tax -2,810 22,064
Income tax expense -353 13,403
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 1,596 1,990
Profit attributable to owners of the parent -4,053 6,670
Underlying operating profit (*2) 34,237 37,559
Operating margin 12.0% 13.4%
Reconciliation from Underlying operating profit to Statutory operating profit -31,068 -10,658
Amortization of M&A related intangible assets -7,017 -8,418
Acquisition costs -100 -308
Share-based compensation expenses issued following the acquisition of 100% ownership of a subsidiary -70 -158
One-off items -23,879 -1,774
Underlying net profit (*3) 17,773 16,643
Reconciliation from Underlying net profit to Statutory net profit -21,827 -9,973
Operating profit adjustments -31,068 -10,658
Impairment loss of associates -329 -
Gain on sales of shares of associates -0 -5
Revaluation gain on step acquisition - 142
Gain (loss) on revaluation of earnout liabilities and M&A related put option liabilities -2,622 -42
Related income tax expense 9,073 164
Others 3,120 426
  • Note:
    Net profit, Underlying net profit... Excluding attribution to non-controlling interests


JPY/USD 151.1 yen 138.2 yen
JPY/GBP 192.9 yen 172.0 yen
  • *1
    Turnover represents the gross amounts billable to clients handled by the Group on behalf of clients, with net of discounts, VAT and other sales-related taxes.
  • *2
    Underlying operating profit is a KPI to measure recurring business performance which is calculated as operating profit added with amortization of M&A related intangible assets, acquisition costs and one-off items such as impairment loss and gain/loss on sales of non-current assets.
  • *3
    Underlying net profit (attributable to owners of the parent) is a KPI to measure recurring net profit attributable to owners of the parent which is calculated as net profit (attributable to owners of the parent) added with adjustment items related to operating profit, revaluation of earnout liabilities / M&A related put-option liabilities, tax-related, NCI profit-related and other one-off items.


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