Started a New Global Management Structure towards ‘One dentsu’ new Global
Dentsu announced a globally diverse and integrated leadership team to drive its global business forward from FY2023. The main points of the renewal of the management structure are as follows (Effective January 1, 2023, Dentsu Japan Network and Dentsu International will be integrated into a single dentsu organization around the world.):
- Formation of the Group Management Team, one management team to promote global management, accelerate business transformation and further enhance management diversity to achieve business growth and the sustainable enhancement of corporate value.
- The members of the Group Management Team who participate in the Group Executive Management Meeting are positioned as Group Executive Management (GEM).
- CEOs from across the four business regions come together to optimize the global business and align around a truly global management framework, including the selection of the first non-Japanese global CFO and the hiring of a new and internationally experienced CHRO from Google Japan.
- Appointment of Chief Governance Officer, Chief Culture Officer, and Chief Sustainability Officers to strengthen dentsu’s environmental, social and governance efforts across clients and society.
- Appointment of Chief Global Client Officer and Chief Integrated Solutions Officer to align dentsu closely to its clients and drive growth.
- Appointment of Chief of Staff to directly work with the President & CEO on policy setting, implementation, and decision making.
Hiroshi Igarashi, President & CEO, said, “We have formed a global Group Management Team to further contribute to our clients' business growth and the realization of a better society by strengthening our Integrated Growth Solutions, and to enhance our corporate value. Under this team, we will realize the potential our 69,000-strong, worldwide employee-base, bringing together their unique strengths within the countries and regions in which dentsu operates. This will allow us to achieve global business growth and improve profitability through synergies and increased efficiency. Through this renewal of our management structure, we will not only achieve the goals of our medium-term management plan, which concludes in FY2024, but also increase the certainty of long-term, sustainable growth beyond that date. At the same time, we will contribute to the betterment of our customers, partners, employees, consumers, and society as a whole.”