The Company is working to enhance its mid- to long-term corporate value by disclosing to shareholders and investors such information as management strategies, financial figures, and nonfinancial information on a timely manner. Specifically, the CEO, CFO and directors responsible for IR and information disclosure conduct regular briefings for analysts and institutional investors, meet individually with investors in Japan and overseas, and disclose information on the Dentsu website.
The Investor Relations Department, set up as a dedicated department for conducting these activities, works closely with the executive office, accounting division, as well as the legal and other related departments. Opinions and requests received through IR activities are reported to the Group Executive Management Committee and Board of Directors, where they are discussed with a view to finding ways to enhance corporate value.
The Information Management Committee was set up to manage insider information. For details, please refer to the section on “Policy on Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders” (created in December 2015) published on the Dentsu website.
Dentsu views shareholder return as an important management issue. In response to changes in the management environment surrounding the Company, we aim to realize comprehensive shareholder returns by maximizing corporate value through long-term business growth, ongoing and stable dividend distribution, and expeditious share buybacks.
Dentsu focuses on stability with regard to periodic dividends, which are determined according to such overall considerations as the internal reserves necessary for what sustainable investment will lead to business growth, consolidated earnings trends, and financial conditions.
While bearing in mind the need for management stability and financial soundness, Dentsu responds to increasingly global business activities and the advance of digitization by engaging in investment aimed at creating new business opportunities. The Dentsu Group will seek to further enhance its competitiveness and profitability while, at the same time, making every effort to provide our shareholders with returns as appropriate by boosting corporate value.
At the Company’s Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, we make every effort to ensure the smooth exercise of shareholders’ voting rights. This is done by such measures as the prompt delivery of notices of the Meetings and the introduction of Internet voting. The 169th Meeting, held on March 29, 2018, was attended by 458 shareholders. This information is disclosed on the Dentsu website, including results of the exercise of voting rights by shareholders who attended the meeting.
The Company places importance on its relationships with analysts and investors. We hold earnings presentations twice a year to explain our financial situation, provide a general overview, and explain management policies. We also conduct roadshows every year to visit institutional investors in Japan and overseas. In addition, the documents used at earnings presentations are posted on the Company’s website and made available to general investors.
As of the end of December 2017, there were 42,251 Dentsu shareholders.
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Note: Including holders of shares of less than one trading unit, treasury stock, and in the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc.