Communication with Shareholders and Investors

The Company is working to enhance its mid- to long-term corporate value by disclosing to shareholders and investors such information as management strategies, financial figures, and nonfinancial information on a timely manner. The Company engages in an ongoing, constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors through its IR activities. In addition to holding earningsrelated presentations twice a year, we aim to achieve wide-ranging, two-way communication with shareholders and investors through individual briefings for institutional investors and analysts held in Japan and other countries.

The General Meeting of Shareholders

The General Meeting of Shareholders

Capital Policy and Shareholder Return

The Company employs a capital policy aimed at improving its intrinsic corporate value. As a top priority for capital allocation, it pursues sustainable profit growth with aggressive M&As in growth areas across all markets. Further, through a combination of continued dividend stability and agile share repurchase, the Company aims to consistently improve shareholder returns, raise capital efficiency, and improve return on equity over the medium term.

Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

At the Company’s Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, we make every effort to ensure the smooth exercise of shareholders’ voting rights. This is done by such measures as the prompt delivery of notices of the Meetings and the introduction of Internet voting. The 168th Meeting, held on March 30, 2017, was attended by 531 shareholders. This information is disclosed on the Dentsu website, including results of the exercise of voting rights by shareholders who attended the meeting.

Earnings Presentations

The Company places importance on its relationships with analysts and investors. We hold earnings presentations twice a year to explain our financial situation, provide a general overview, and explain management policies. The documents used at earnings presentations are posted on the Company’s website and made available to general investors.

Ownership and Distribution of Shares

Ownership and Distribution of Shares

Shareholder Composition

As of the end of December 2016, there were 33,228 Dentsu shareholders.

Note: Including holders of shares of less than one trading unit, treasury stock, and in the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc.



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