Dentsu Group CSR Promotion System
The Dentsu Group’s CSR Committee—comprising five officers and chaired by an executive officer—serves as an advisory body to the Group Management Committee, which is tasked with making management decisions. In FY2018, the CSR Committee met nine times.
Subordinate advisory committees are set up under the CSR Committee to examine specific facets of the Company. CSR activities for our overseas businesses are formulated by Dentsu Aegis Network Board of Directors, before being reported to the Management Committee and CSR Committee. CSR promotion committee members have been designated in all Dentsu Head Office divisions, in an effort to promote awareness of specific CSR policies among all employees. At the same time, executive officers in charge of CSR have been appointed in Group companies in Japan, while in Group companies abroad, CSR Champions have been appointed. These efforts are designed to advance CSR activities on a Group-wide basis.

DAN CSR Promotion System
At DAN, senior management sets CSR strategies and targets, and the Social Impact Steering Comitteee is in charge of managing the progress of these policies. CSR strategy is executed by the Global Social Impact Team, which is in charge of coordinating the assessment, reporting and management of all CSR campaigns and programs including compliance with policies. In addition, the team regularly conducts internal and external communications, engages with stakeholders, and evaluates CSR-related risks and opportunities. The results of these evaluations are reported to the Risk Committees at each location.