Integrated Report

Compliance Promotion

Compliance Promotion System

The Compliance Digest booklet

The Compliance Digest booklet

Dentsu formulated the Dentsu Group Code of Conduct, according to which directors and executive officers who discover violations of prevailing laws or who encounter other serious compliance-related issues are required to report their findings immediately to the Executive Comittee, Internal Control and Compliance Committee, as well as the Audit and Supervisory Committee.To maintain and improve the level of employee compliance and ensure employee awareness of compliance-related issues, rules and manuals are developed and training programs conducted.
In addition, a Compliance Line was set up for the reporting of internal violations and an external contact point handled by a law office was established to ensure that those seeking consultation or reporting violations are in no way penalized. In FY2018 (ended December 2018), Dentsu Inc. and Dentsu Group employees in Japan submitted twenty-four reports and proposals (FY2017: 9; FY2016: 7; FY2015: 15), all of which were addressed. Moreover, the booklet Compliance Digest was distributed to all Group companies to promote an understanding of compliance.

Rejection of Antisocial Forces

The Company and all Group enterprises set up a Basic Policy on the Rejection of Organized Crime Groups and Other Antisocial Forces, thereby articulating their determination to take a firm stand against antisocial forces, as groups and individuals seeking economic profit through violence are known in Japan. Business partners have been asked to take the same action.

Corruption Prevention Response

In accordance with the Dentsu Group Code of Conduct, which underpins our CSR activities, we have anti-corruption policies to ensure that we conduct business in an honest, fair, and transparent manner. In compliance with bribery regulations in the countries and communities around the world where we do business, Dentsu is proscribed from involvement in corrupt acts designed to enable the Company to obtain unfair profits.
In order to meet our social responsibilities and conduct sound business activities, we shall strive always to cultivate compliance awareness through in-house training.

Bid to End Bribery by Group Companies Abroad

DAN provides compliance training on the intranet for Group companies outside of Japan, the participation rate of which is up to 90%. As a follow-up, each company also holds its own training sessions and strives to raise employee awareness regarding bribery.

Speak Up! Policy

The risk of fraud and other wrongdoing is a threat to the Group’s profitability and reputation. DAN thus established an internal reporting program, called Speak Up!, for reporting any incident of concern or that raises suspicions of wrongdoing in the workplace. Employees can make a report to line managers, HR staff or senior managers, or they can follow internal grievance procedures. Appropriate legal and/or disciplinary action will be taken against perpetrators of fraud and other wrongdoing.
DAN also employs Safecall Limited, an independent specialist that employees can contact anonymously on the phone, by email and through a website, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and in a number of languages.

Incident of concern or suspicion of wrongdoing within the workplace

  • Bullying or harassment
  • Theft or fraud
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Information security breaches(e.g., loss or theft of personal/ sensitive data)
  • Abuse or inflation of expenses
  • Non-compliance with contractual obligations
  • Accounting and tax malpractice

Respect for Laws and Regulations and Various Rights in Business Activities

In order to maintain fair business practices in communications activities, compliance with various laws and regulations is expected and Dentsu aims to take the lead to be the cornerstone of legal norms in order to maintain its stakeholders' and society's trust. To this end, efforts are taken to ensure compliance with various laws such as the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, for the appropriate offering of premiums and advertising; Act on the Protection of Personal Information, for the adequate protection of personal information of consumers who participate in campaigns and questionnaires; the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors, to conduct fair and appropriate dealings with subcontractors; and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, to conduct appropriate stock trading.
As part of such efforts, for intellectual property rights in the realm of creative expression for advertising works, such as trademarks, design rights, copyrights, and publicity rights, Dentsu works to (1) improve the knowledge and awareness of employees through continuous educational and training programs, (2) disseminate information through easy-to-understand legal handbooks and manuals and the Company intranet, and (3) establish a designated department for consulting on legal and creative affairs. Going forward, Dentsu will continue to protect intellectual property rights and develop an environment for legal compliance in order to be a cornerstone for legal norms.

Handbooks for Laws and Regulations

Tax Behavior Principle

The Dentsu Group formulated its Tax Mission Statement and Tax Strategy to maintain consistency with Dentsu Group business strategies and activities, corporate values and social responsibilities, as well as to maintain and improve Group value by taking appropriate tax positions and paying taxes as appropriate.


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